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PHP vs JavaScript Comparison

Djafarou Saley Abdou

26 Dec 2022

PHP or JavaScript? The choice depends on the requirements of your project. While PHP is easier to master and has the reputation of being reliable, JavaScript also has convincing arguments, especially its various combination possibilities and its high speed.

PHP and JavaScript: a duel that dates back to 1995

PHP and JavaScript: the winner of this comparison is likely to change depending on the developer. Both scripting languages have a large fan base; many users have adopted them after being convinced by their different features. To find the best of these languages, it may be wise to look at their origins.

PHP, developed in 1995 by Rasmus Lersdorf, is primarily used to create websites and web applications. Its name stands for "Personal Home Pages Tools". It is free software and distributed under the PHP license. Its syntax is inspired by the programming languages C and Perl.

JavaScript is also an essential part of modern web development. Created by Brendan Eich, this scripting language also dates from 1995. It was developed to support dynamic HTML in web browsers. What do PHP and JavaScript have in common?

If PHP and JavaScript are diametrically opposed on certain points, they also share common points that are not related to their popularity, their distribution or their year of birth. These two scripting languages are, for example, interpreted in real time. This means, on the one hand, that they work with clearly defined commands and, on the other hand, that they can be modified with a text editor.

Thus, many other web programming languages have much higher requirements than PHP and JavaScript. Both languages were not developed with an object-oriented approach, but in both cases this was integrated over time (in 2004 for PHP and 11 years later for JavaScript). PHP and JavaScript: differences between the two scripting languages

When choosing between PHP and JavaScript, however, it is the differences between them that are most important. There are already many minor differences between them, but the most common differences between the two languages are discussed below.

Location : PHP is a scripting language that is used exclusively in the back-end of a website. JavaScript was originally developed as a front-end approach, although since 2009 it also has a back-end execution component. So JavaScript has now become a full stack solution.

Server-side scripting and client-side scripting: PHP runs on the server, i.e. it is used to execute server-side functions. It can therefore offer its users dynamic content from a local or external database. Unlike PHP, JavaScript is a client-side scripting language, so the programmed scripts are executed directly by the accessing browser. Accesses can therefore be faster, but this can have negative consequences on indexing in the various search engines, such as in the context of domain redirection.

Speed: When comparing PHP and JavaScript in terms of performance and speed, the balance is clearly in favour of the client-side language. JavaScript has a great advantage in terms of speed, although PHP is (slowly but surely) catching up and the once impressive gap between the two solutions has now narrowed considerably.

Combination possibilities: JavaScript can be combined with HTML, XML and Ajax. PHP only works in combination with HTML, but can be extended with options from the LAMP stack, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.

Syntax and case sensitivity: Both scripting languages use the semicolon (;) and the double slash (//), PHP additionally works with the hash (#). JavaScript is always case-sensitive, whereas PHP is only case-sensitive in some cases: the language variables are case-sensitive, but functions are not. For which projects are the two scripting languages best suited?

Both PHP and JavaScript can be suitable for a number of different uses. PHP is especially used for creating dynamic websites. This language allows you to work smoothly with databases, which is an important advantage. In most cases, PHP back-ends are widely used, but they are also convincing on many security issues. Similarly, PHP is perfect for real-time applications such as instant messaging, e-learning or e-commerce systems.

JavaScript is an even more versatile tool, as it can be used for web servers, mobile applications, 3D games, augmented reality and virtual reality applications, and Internet of Things products. Thanks to its full stack approach, JavaScript is also particularly suitable for large-scale projects. Which language is easier to master?

PHP and JavaScript are structured in a very logical way, so in principle it is possible to test both languages without any problems. However, PHP is much easier to learn for beginners. We even recommend that you use a .php file to try out and write code in it (on a trial basis).

By working with JavaScript, you are also likely to learn how it works quickly. However, due to the size of the system and the number of frameworks and libraries in JavaScript, you will need much more time to really master the language and all its intricacies. The following advice applies to PHP and JavaScript: start by practising in a safe working environment. This way, your mistakes will not have any real consequences on your applications. In short: it is impossible to separate PHP and JavaScript

At the end of the duel between PHP and JavaScript, neither language can really be declared the winner. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses and can be used for different tasks. Depending on the project you want to work on, you may have to choose PHP or JavaScript. Both are structured in a logical way. They are surrounded by an impressive community and offer many options. So this duel can only end in a tie.

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