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The Backend developer Handbook

Djafarou Saley Abdou

26 Dec 2022

Starting with web development can be overwhelming. This back-end developer roadmap will guide you to kick start in the proper way. This guide will help you to become a modern back-end developer by covering the most important building blocks of the web.

1st : You must know basics of front-end development, and how things work in the browser.



- JavaScript

Once you know basic front-end, you can then jump right into learning backend development. 2nd : Choose a Programming language There are so many options of programming language that you can learn to become a backend developer but you have to choose one. - JavaScript - Python - PHP - Ruby - Rust - Java - Go Lang 3rd : Then choose a Framework according to your programming language 1. JavaScript ( Popular Framework ) - Node.js - Deno Node.js ( in detail ) - Express.js - Nest.js - Fastify - Sails - Hapi - Restify - Koa

2. Python ( Popular Framework ) - Django - Flask 3. PHP ( Popular Framework ) - Laravel - Symfony 4. Ruby ( Popular Framework ) - Rails - Sinatra 5. Java ( Popular Framework ) - Spring - Google Web Toolkit 6. Rust ( Popular Framework ) - Rocket - Simple

7. GO ( Popular Framework ) - Gin 4th : Backend concepts you should learn - HTTP/HTTPS - REST - GraphQL - Web Sockets - CORS - MVC Architecture - CI/CD - Serverless 5th : Learn about databases 2 types of databases SQL : - MySQL - PostgreSQL - SQL Lite NoSQL : - MongoDB - CouchDB - DynamoDB 6th : Learn caching - Redis - Memcached 7th : Learn ORM/ODM - Mongoose (MongoDB) - Prisma (SQL) - Sequelize (SQL) 8th : Essential things to learn - Authentication - OAuth - Hashing (bcrypt) - Rate limiting - Reverse proxy - Load balancer - Documentation (Swagger) 9th : Learn any HTML Templating Engine - EJS - PUG - Handlebars - doT - Jade - Eta 10th : Other important Topics - Linux - Terminal (CLI) - Git - Basic networking - Web Security - Payment Gateways - Testing 11th : Learn to deploy and learn any cloud service - Google Cloud - Digital Ocean - AWS - Azure - Heroku - Linode - Vercel - Docker - Kubernetes 12th : Other operational tools to learn - NPM - Yarn - Postman - Insomnia - GitHub

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