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A robot appointed CEO of a Chinese company, a first


26 Jan 2023

A major Chinese video game company has decided to appoint a virtual robot with artificial intelligence as its CEO. Never before seen.

It may sound like science fiction, but it is real. In China, robots are becoming more and more important in society and are even replacing humans at work. And not just any job! For the first time, a virtual robot will become the CEO of a major video game company, reports Europe 1 on Tuesday 20 September.

Named Tang Yu, this female robot is endowed with artificial intelligence and should enable Net Dragon Websoft to optimise its performance through purely rational decision-making and to make savings. Founded in 1999, the company is one of China's largest multi-billion dollar video game companies. It is now the world's first robot-run facility. He can work 24 hours a day, without being paid

"Tang Yu will help us in the field of management and administration as well as in operational matters, because we are already using artificial intelligence in many training courses to develop our activities," explained Simone Lung, vice-president of Net Dragon Websoft. Another important advantage of this virtual humanoid is that it can work around the clock without being paid! This is not the first time that a company has taken a gamble on robotics. A subsidiary of Canon had already entrusted the management of certain supervisory tasks to algorithms, in particular facial recognition algorithms that require smiles, a few years ago, our colleagues recall.

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